Price: £14.99
British Army Cap Badges of the First World War, Peter Doyle and Chris Foster
This is a great new addition to our book range.
Cap badges are used to identify military units and to commemorate major events in their history. They are often quite attractive, representing the pride of a regiment and the battle honours or symbols attached to it. This book catalogues every individual British cap badge worn in the First World War and will help collectors and family historians to better understand the origins and meaning of heirlooms or pieces in their collections. More than 300 of the badges are described and illustrated in colour photographs, and pictures of the soldiers who wore them help to keep the badges in context as an integral part of the uniform of the countless troops who fought in the Great War. This book also describes how the cap badges were made and worn, and mentions other insignia used to identify a soldier’s rank, skills and years of overseas service, for example.
Large size paperback, 128 pages.
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