Rose Appeal- Memorial Garden at Serle’s House

Sponsor a Rose for our Memorial Garden.

At the front of the museum in Serle’s House is the Memorial Garden, laid out in 1952 to commemorate those men of the Regiment who lost their lives in World Wars One and Two. More recently, anybody who served in the Regiment may have their ashes scattered amongst the roses if they wish.


As recent visitors to the Museum and Memorial Garden will have noticed, garden works are underway. Those more eagle-eyed visitors will have noticed that for the past few summers, there have been less and less roses blooming in the garden, and this summer one of the beds only had 3 flowering plants left. This was due to a severe case of black-spot on the plants.

The museum has therefore begun work on the Memorial Garden – as you can see from the photo below, but we need your help.


We are replacing all of the old roses with new ones, and also have had the lawns replaced; although they looked lovely and lush and green, a closer look would have shown they were infact mostly moss and weeds rather than grass. In order to keep the Memorial Garden looking as fantastic as it should to honour the men of the Royal Hampshire Regiment, we needed to do the work sooner rather than later.

We have been extremely lucky to receive some funding to cover this project, but would like to invite anyone who may wish to do so, to sponsor a rose for £10. This can be in your name, or in the name of a loved one. All donor’s names will be displayed in the museum on completion of the project.

If you would like to sponsor a rose, the link is here:  Sponsor a Rose for the Memorial Garden